Quiet Mind Massage


Welcome to my sanctuary, a space dedicated to serenity and self-discovery. As your massage therapist, I'm here to uplift your spirit and create harmony between your mind, body, and soul. Each session offers a nurturing and peaceful experience, thanks to my commitment to providing attentive care.

During our time together, I create an environment of quiet relaxation. Communication is reserved for before and after the massage, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment. I maintain a soothing silence throughout the session, enabling you to surrender to a state of deep rest and rejuvenation.

My goal is to guide you towards inner peace and well-being, empowering you to discover a sense of freedom and self-worth. With each mindful touch and technique, I invite you to release everyday stresses and embrace pure relaxation. Let me accompany you on this transformative path to balance and serenity.

As you emerge from our session, you'll feel refreshed, revitalized, and ready to embrace the world with renewed vitality. Allow me to guide you on this journey to unlocking your inner tranquility and experiencing the transformative power of massage therapy.


At Quiet Mind Massage, your comfort and privacy are my top priorities. I use high-quality cotton flannel sheets, known for their thickness and absorbency, to ensure your comfort and discretion. As a professional, I strictly adhere to secure draping practices, guaranteeing that only the area being worked on is exposed at any given time.

This attention to detail allows you to fully relax and immerse yourself in the massage experience, knowing that your modesty is being respected and protected. You can trust that I am committed to maintaining a safe, comfortable, and serene environment throughout your session.


To create a warm and inviting atmosphere, I use a table warmer and a soft cotton blanket, ensuring your comfort throughout the massage. The room is kept at a pleasant temperature and humidity level, providing the perfect environment for you to fully unwind and relax.


Soothing music fills the massage studio, thanks to our high-quality audio system. The carefully selected playlist is designed to help you relax and quiet your mind, enhancing the tranquility of your session.


At Quiet Mind Massage, I exclusively use jojoba oil for its gentle, non-allergenic properties. This nourishing oil is suitable for all skin types and won't clog pores, leaving your skin feeling soft and rejuvenated after your massage.


To accommodate busy schedules, Quiet Mind Massage is open late three nights a week. Daytime appointments are also available on most days, providing flexibility and convenience for your massage needs.


At Quiet Mind Massage, tipping is not expected or necessary. As the owner, I've created a fair pricing structure that allows you to fully relax without the added concern of tipping. This approach ensures that your visit is solely focused on your well-being and is my way of saying thank you for supporting a privately owned business.




View a list of the Massages I offer with descriptions.



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New to massage? Here are frequently asked questions.
